Robert Schott
Robert Schott CMT is an expert in Global Markets, Investment and Asset Allocation. Robert served as one of General Electric Asset Management’s Portfolio Managers for Tactical Asset Allocation. In this senior role he managed asset allocation across the investment classes & markets for Pension and Balanced Funds. He provided Tactical Asset Allocation advice to clients, & enhanced portfolio performance through overlays, hedges, manager selection & alternative investments. An expert in Equities, Fixed Income, Credit, Foreign Exchange, Global Investment & Derivatives, he has extensive Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, Fund Management, Investment & ALM experience. Robert is a Master’s Degree Instructor on Investments & Risk at the University of Connecticut. An expert in derivatives, he brings over thirty five years of financial market experience and performance to the position. Robert most recently served as a consultant to GECC on both country and market risks.
Previously, Robert was Director of Capital Markets, Landesbank Baden Wuertemberg; Managing Director of Derivatives, Foreign Fixed Income and Foreign Exchange at TIAA-CREF; and the Senior Investment Officer of Oppenheim International Finance, Dublin. In 1976, he earned his BA in Economics from the University of Notre Dame and in 1985 graduated from New York University with a MBA in Finance. Robert is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and market historian.